Exercise during pregnancy
Exercising regularly during pregnancy can reduce the risk of physical discomfort and therefore, contribute to physical and mental well-being. Thirty minutes of moderate exercise (e.g. walking briskly, swimming, strength training) on most or all days of the week are often recommended. A link has been found between regular exercise during pregnancy and a positive effect on the outcome of childbirth (shorter births and less chance of interventions such as stimulation of labor with medication, episiotomy and epidural anesthesia). Women who exercise regularly during pregnancy often recover more quickly after childbirth.
However, the recommendations for exercise during pregnancy depend on the individual and must also be based on how much exercise you were used to before pregnancy. We advise you to contact your antenatal care midwife if you are not sure about what exercises you want to do or if you are starting to exercise during pregnancy.
Regular exercise can reduce back pain during pregnancy, but weak abdominal muscles with a growing abdomen can cause pain in the lower back. Strong abdominal muscles can better support the pelvis and lower back and reduce the risk of back pain during pregnancy.
Yoga during pregnancy can be a very useful exercise and have a positive effect on the well-being of women during pregnancy. Women who practice yoga regularly often experience a good connection with their body and are sensitive to their own well-being. These women often possess the self-confidence to work with the forces that follow contractions of the uterus during labor and childbirth.
We advise all women during pregnancy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles because strong pelvic floor muscles are more likely to relax and stretch during childbirth reducing the risk of postpartum urinary incontinence. For instance, you can sit on the toilet for a few seconds longer and do pelvic floor exercises or every time you brush your teeth. Just remember not to hold your breath, breathe slowly, tense your muscles by lifting them up, hold for a few seconds and then relax. This requires training, but practice makes perfect.
Here are some important things to keep in mind if you exercise during pregnancy.
Start slowly and further increase your speed and load. You should be able to speak while exercising. Women's average heart rate rises during pregnancy with increased blood flow, and it is important you do not overdo it but rather listen carefully to your body and gradually increase the load.
Be sensitive to your body’s needs and listen to it. If you do not feel well, we advise you to stop and rest. Also, fatigue can occur after exercising and in that case, it is good to reflect on whether you exercised a bit too long or did too much. By doing so, you can avoid the feeling of being exhausted.
Drink plenty of water and make sure you do not become dehydrated. It is good to monitor the color of your urine. If it is dark yellow, then you are not drinking enough and if it is light yellow in color then you are drinking the appropriate amount.
It is good practice to take many short breaks while exercising and have something light to eat at hand. For example, having apple chips or carrots ready in a bag can be a useful way to get some needed energy or prevent low blood sugar.
It is important to have good support for your breasts, wear a good top and perhaps also have good support for your abdomen.
Think carefully about your posture. Try to keep an equal load on both legs and sides of your body. During pregnancy, the body releases the hormone relaxin, which softens joints and makes the pelvis vulnerable to uneven stress.
Remember to stretch your body regularly, especially if you spend a lot of time working or studying. Do not forget to stretch your calf muscles to prevent muscle cramps in your calves.
Get enough rest. Rest is very important during pregnancy, and it is important to listen to your body. It can be helpful to rest during the day if possible or when you come home from work or school.